Planning to grow plants at home but don’t have a garden. Not having a space for planting isn’t a reason for you to try your hands on gardening. The really good news is that even without a backyard for gardening or a balcony, you can still get started with gardening. There are some plants that don’t need soil and grow well in pots. Here are some seeds to help you get started with gardening.

No Balcony Doesnt Mean No Garden This Is How You Can Grow Plants At Home
Growing tomatoes in pots is perfect for growing in a small space. Once the tomato becomes full grown, you also get to enjoy fresh tomato juice. Choosing a variety that is well-suited for containers. Don’t forget to water it consistently and make sure that your tomato plant gets plenty of sun.
Bell peppers and spicy jalapenos alike can be grown in containers. Choose the compact type so that the plants won’t get too big. Place the pots outside in a warm, sunny spot and water them regularly. You can grow your pots indoors but you may need to support it with sufficient lighting to get the best results.
If you want to have fresh greens on your plate at the soonest possible time, try planting microgreens. They are the first tender shoots of plants like collard greens, beet greens, and mustard greens. While they are easily available on the market, they can be extremely pricey. Seeds and soil can be easily bought for $10 so you can grow your own windowsill crop. ‘
Salad Greens
Salad greens are the perfect plants to grow if you have a porch or some outdoor space. The good thing about them is that you can just keep snipping them above the roots but they will continue to grow and you can harvest them anytime.

Salad Greens
Do you find yourself buying bunches of scallions that go bad before you get the chance to use them? Here’s an advice: don’t buy the whites, sprout them next time you buy scallions. To do this, simply secure the bulbs with a rubber band and place them in a glass with an inch of water. Replace the water daily. In about 7 – 10 days, you will see new shoots appearing and the roots will grow to twice the size of its length.
Scallions can be grown in both your garden or on a container. You can snip the green as you need them.
Growing herbs on your kitchen windowsill will give you fresh herbs whenever you need them. Growing herbs will also give you the advantage of being able to save money. Just snip them whenever you need them. This way, you don’t have to wait in line in the grocery store to buy them. Look for the harder to find varieties such as purple basil, licorice-flavored chervil or herbal-cinnamon shiso for additional flavorings to the food you are cooking,
Beans and Peas
Beans and peas don’t need a lot of space on the ground. All they need is something to grab and grow on. Beans are known for being enthusiastic plants because they will “grab on” anything that is near them as they grow. Make sure to keep them away from tomatoes or other plants that grow tall or they will tangle. The good thing about these plants is that they can easily grow on a balcony rail or on a wall with support such as netting or trellis.
These are just examples of plants that you can grow indoor even without a backyard or garden. Pots, containers, and some tender loving care is enough to make them grow.