If you are trying to shift to a new, bigger home, there are various factors that you need to consider. You will need to go through numerous options of apartments and houses to settle on one finally. However, there is one thing that you can’t skip on. No matter how good the apartment is, it’s the neighborhood. Not only should it come with basic amenities, but the crime rate should also not be not high. It must also be affordable, and the neighbors should be the ones who socialize. If you have kids, you will also need to look out for a playground and a school. The law doesn’t permit the real estate agents to answer ‘how is the neighborhood?’. That doesn’t mean you can’t find the answer. All you need to do is follow the tips below, and you will be able to find just the perfect environment for you and the kids.

A Better Neighborhood For Kids
Right Questions
Before meeting the real estate agent or going through the apartment options, you must prepare a list of all the questions that you need to ask. To get this right, you will need to prioritize your requirements and the features you are looking for in the neighborhood. The questions that are required in order to be answered include:
- Do your family need a silent street or a busier one?
- Do you need trees and parks around you?
- How much walking do you need to do to get the groceries?
- Will you prefer older structures, or the modern architecture is required?
- Do you need anonymity or a socially active neighborhood?
Public Transport
It’s a key aspect while choosing the neighborhood. You might need to use a means of public transport and if it’s not easily accessible in the neighborhood. You should check the closest bus line and the pickup/drop frequency. You can log on to the transit authorities web portal or talk to the customer care representative to get all the correct details. Also, make sure that it’s affordable and falls within your budget.
The taxation rates are different in each town, and it’s your responsibility to find out before making any investments. Also, if you have hired a real estate agent, they will find them out for you. A good agent will also provide you with the details that will indicate the tax rate pattern of the past several years. These details will help you in better planning monthly budgets. Apart from this, all the details related to the assessed value of most properties fall under public knowledge and can be accessed from the authority’s web portal.
Future Development
You shouldn’t skip this criterion, no matter whether you are planning to live here for a year or 20. It will have a significant impact on the resale of the house. If there is any scope for future development, you can set a much higher price. These developments might include opening a library, a school, an all-new community center, and much more. These developments will also directly impact the future of your kid and you must pay attention to it.

Future Development
Have An Actual Look…
The tips that we have mentioned here are pretty practical, and you should discuss them in detail with your agent. However, this is not all that you need to do. Apart from crime stats, developments, and taxes, you need to have an actual look yourself. It would help if you had a walk around the block at different times of the day to assure yourself and the family that they will remain safe in this neighborhood.