As with any medium to a large project in your life, beginning with a vision is essential. Whether you want to repaint your bedroom’s walls with a gentler shade of Lemon Leaf, or your lounge’s couches require new upholstery, being able to picture exactly what you want out of a redecorating job can spell the difference between a tacky disaster and an inspiring revamping.

Why Having A Vision Before Starting Redecorating Is So Important
Gathering Inspiration
The world we live today allows us to find inspiration at a touch of a button. Despite how many modern ideas we can gather from the web, magazines, and television shows, it can often feel overwhelming having so much content to sort through.
When crafting the most important thing to remember is a vision is that you have all the time in the world to do so. Take your time and allow your personality’s qualities and tastes to filter through all the different bits of inspiration. This will allow you to steadily get closer to a focused vision.
Filing Your Inspiration
While crafting your vision, it is vital that you actually start keeping a workbook of sorts. Here you can write down your own personal ideas, stick in sections from various home and design magazines, and glue in printed stimulation from websites like Pinterest.
If you are a more digitally-minded person, then there are amazing apps like Houzz which provide you with a computer-based ideabook. It is important that you detail exactly what stands out in the various ideas and themes you browse through. You should also be writing down the names of furniture, paint colors, and other bits and bobs which take your interest so that you don’t end up losing a potentially fabulous implementation when the redecorating begins.
Inspiration boards also work fantastically toward organizing your paint colors and visual inspirations. Try grouping various items together with color-coded string to start making grouped potential themes.
This might take a bit of effort on your part, but being continually organized is too much easier than trying to salvage everything together once your vision starts solidifying.
Nearing Perfection
Once you feel like you have enough inspirational imagery, colors, and potential decorations in store, it’s time to sit down and seriously consider what goes in line with your vision, and what can be cut out.
This will take a fair amount of comparison, consideration, and some introspection. Think carefully about what can fit into your decorating project. Just make sure that your vision serves your lifestyle!

Nearing Perfection
Bringing Your Passions Into Consideration
Now that you are near to fulfilling your redecoration vision, it is important that you factor in practicality as well as the elements which personally speak to your life goals. What are your passions and hobbies?
You may find that your redecorating impetus can greatly bring the said hobby to a superior level of involvement. You can bring in objects and styles which further improve your work ethic and tools. You are now fully ready to start working on your new space!